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Twenty One

Who doesn't look forward to finally turning 21? All the excitement and craziness of finally being able to go out with your friends!! Well here are some like-minded films:


Beerfest (Chandrasekhar, 2006)

Chaos ensues when two American brothers decide to travel to Germany for the famed Oktoberfest.


The World's End (Wright, 2013)

As old friend's come together for a boys weekend they decide it must be spent attempting to finish an infamous pub crawl that culminates at The World's End pub.


The Hangover (Phillips, 2009)

A bachelor's weekend in Vegas takes a turn for the worst when three of the four friends wake up with a tiger, a missing friend and no idea what happened last night.


21 & Over (Lucas and Moore, 2013)

One pre-med student is convinced to go out partying with his buddies for his 21st birthday the night before his big med school interview.


Superbad (Mottola, 2007)

Because their senior year is quickly coming to an abrupt end, two best friends attempt to throw the party of their lives.





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